Category: Uncategorized
The Thrilling World of Rural Utah’s Demolition Derby: A Cultural Phenomenon
Meta Description Explore the exhilarating world of demolition derbies in rural Utah. Discover the cultural significance, technical aspects, and community impact of this unique motorsport event through the eyes of a lifelong enthusiast. Introduction: A Personal Derby Experience The roar of engines filled the air as I settled into my seat at the county fairgrounds.… Read more
Let’s Be More Sex-Positive
I don’t know about all of you, but when I was growing up, sex, or as we often call it in our religion—intimacy, was never talked about. This was especially true when speaking positively about it. I have heard many different ways to describe it, including “the big nasty,” “a necessary evil,” “doing bad things… Read more
Engaging LDS Primary Children: Scripture Song Match Lesson Plan
Keywords: LDS Primary, singing time, scripture songs, gospel principles, children’s music education, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Meta Description: Discover an innovative LDS Primary singing time lesson plan featuring the Scripture Song Match activity. Learn how to engage children in connecting scriptures with gospel songs, enhancing their spiritual education. Introduction to LDS Primary… Read more
Five Years of Sacred Keys: Reflections of a Former Bishop
It’s been exactly one month since I was released as bishop of our ward. Tonight, as I prepare my singing time lesson about Joseph Smith’s First Vision (trying to figure out how to keep a dozen 3-11 year-olds engaged with a song with complicated words), I find myself reflecting on these past five years with… Read more
Why I’m Glad Trump Won
Breaking the Silence: Sharing My Political ThoughtsI know the conventional wisdom says to steer clear of politics in casual conversation, but I’ve already talked about both politics and religion here. So, let me share my perspective: I’m glad Trump won. This isn’t about being a hardcore Republican; it’s about frustration with how the Democrats were… Read more
Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility: When Your ‘Lab Equipment’ Fails During Crucial Experiments
With infertility, there are many feelings: abandonment, loneliness, stress, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of not belonging to the church community, and many more. One of the craziest and least expected feelings I had was anxiety before baby dancing (the fertility world’s word for baby-making sex). When it is ovulation time, there’s a lot at stake.… Read more
Transforming LDS Sunday School: Active Learning Methods for Spiritual Growth
Meta Description: Discover innovative teaching methods for LDS Sunday School that enhance spiritual learning through active engagement. Learn practical strategies for implementing think-pair-share, small group discussions, and interactive activities that align with gospel principles. Target Keywords: LDS Sunday School, teaching methods in church, active learning in church, spiritual learning, gospel teaching strategies, Mormon church lessons,… Read more